Friday, May 8, 2020

Facebook thoughts

My facebook posts are usually mindfulness thoughts; they spring at a moment and at times I record it. When I was a cub writer in 2006, I would pen down any gem that popped out from the cranium. But now that's not the case. Trust me, writing gets infinitely easier if you have only you to impress. Now for these thoughts (you can find me as "thinksathya" on FB):
             We are such poor listeners. I recorded half a dozen calls with my friends, I played them back and the conversations sounded awful. Nobody was listening, each bidding their time to interrupt. I also realized that the attention span is so little, don't speak more than 3 sentences at any point in time. People switch out much before then. People are not evil, they don't think bad for you but they are obsessed in themselves. They don't live to serve your purpose, so don't waste time. A good conversation is one with a lot of pauses, bad one is a Rajdhani express. Never EXPLAIN, don't ever be in a conversation where you are not listened to. They only add up to NOISE. 
Money and fame are external world's validation of you. Totally unreliable and fake - they come & go and fickle. The world outside is never smart, so don't pay any heed on your money and fame quotients. The world perpetuates itself on glamour and money. We live in an age where a Kim Kardarshian the porn star would rank higher than an Einstein or Newton on the page 3 supplement. I am literally a zero - I stay alone barring a few friends - but I have lived. What money and fame the world denied, I confer self-love and self-compassion. The journey is long and tough, be your best friend and 24 hours support (you are the ambulance driver, surgeon, cardiologist, critical care and nursing for your mind). Keep faith in one person and just one person alone - not Buddha or Vipassana or Mindfulness but "Sathyanarayanan". When troubles knock at the door, look at the mirror and smile. You will see it through. As always.
As you keep peeling life experiences one thing gets clear: all our lives are spent in a search for love (understanding and care). We keeping running from foolish people who latch on to you to desperately seeking love and understanding from wise ones. Remember it is only the wise who listen to other's grievances, generate empathy - the only bridges of connection to another's mind and heart. But the supply of wise ones is always perpetually in drops and drips. In the end, we are saddled with fools, our lives spent running in meaningless chases before realizing an eternal truth: There is no one apart from "I" and everything is just a passing illusion. So don't play the fool to yourself. 
Is there a god who rules our destinies or are we products of randomness? I believe there is no GOD directing planets in orbits; it is unlikely that GOD would direct the SUN to revolve around a larger galaxy and the nine planets around itself. It's pure Science and specifically the laws of gravitation. The universe is self-evolving and self-sustaining like a weed, it needs no supervisor either for its order in precision or madness in chaos. But we humans create god for we are swamped by grief and sorrow. We invented religion to bring order and discipline to our minds; needless to say failed miserably.  We are emotionally very fragile (it takes very little to break our hearts) but we think we are super-smart. Life is an adventure none of us have the manual, we write our own rules and these keep revising with experiences. 

1 comment:

  1. We are fragile indeed. Takes very little to break our hearts....true! But somewhere bad experiences make us hard as stones?
