Monday, September 16, 2019

The best form of my life

I feel a sense of mastery to a zone I have not been before. I am a lot certain of myself, from the manner I interact with others and more importantly in the way I have a dialogue within. There is less of confusion and doubt, more than that the FEAR and HATE have reduced to decimal levels which in the not so distant past was almost a personality trait.
            Where did I find new tail winds for this growth? Most probably my four trips to Mumbai for four straight months in a row.  I have never been in a classroom setting from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm and in this period I have had 16 days sitting on a student’s seat facing a teacher on a white board (these days they prefer sketch pens to chalk pieces on a black board). And definitely that one week at Igatpuri got in a lot of serenity to the mind. There is no gift better in the universe than a calm and equanimous mind. I feel grounded and serene. That I write a blog post to broadcast is a confirmation that these are regions of the mind I have rarely been before.
            For the first time, I realized the PAST has zero effect on me.  Each time the mind went to my siblings there would be regret in its train. Now nothing. I also found myself entirely healed of the Sindhi disaster; there’s not an atom of doubt that we were ill-matched from the word go.  I found a female attractive in Mumbai; when I found that she was a Punjabi, my mind had a smirk and drifted away. I realized later - when putting my thinking caps - that I am 100% class and any longing for a female is crass absurdity. The odds of me finding a partner is one-in-thousand and she should find me out, rather seek me out. Forget the need for a partner, I increasingly feel that if any person can WIPE the SLATE of the PAST CLEAN, the immediate benefit is a light heart.
            I hardly have any real human interactions in Chennai and so these 16 days of classroom experience in the midst of 25 students for EQUITY, 33 for FUTURES and 61 for OPTIONS got me the “threshold human interactions”. These afforded me an opportunity to figure out where I stand. In each of the class - be in equities or futures or options - others would more likely be describing it as Sathya’s batch. I made an impression without trying; that only brought home to me how MINDFULNESS has changed the inner circuitry of my mind.
            There’s three months to go this year – I should venture to FUTURES and OPTIONS trading from October (there’s a near month concept here). This gives me a fortnight to brush on my fundamentals. Then there is a “house search” for post November, my heart feels a SENIOR CITIZEN home ideal for it frees me from the kitchen chores. There’s a desire too - maybe I will find an earning opportunity in Mumbai and then I can crisscross between these two cities. It looks like Mumbai would be more welcoming to the skills and temperament I bring to the table, maybe destiny will roll it along. Whether it does or not, I feel a decisive mastery in my mind. Even others in the proximity seem to catch those vibes, I am getting a lot more smiles and banter without me straining my voice-box.  May I build something out of this phase of life.
Post Script: In 2019 I wrote 26 blogs in thinksathya and 42,300 word count for an average of 1650 words per post, 24 blogs in Dauntlesssathya and 26,900 word count (1125 per post). Writing has never been this free-flowing and full of insights as in 2019.  I am in the form of my life on the writing front alone and writing does reflect the state of mind than any conceivable thing I know.

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